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The Lawn Experts: What Is an Agronomist?
Nov 21, 2024
& What Are They Already Doing for You at Weed Man?
Ever wonder about the science behind treating your lawn? Luckily, you don't have to! At Weed Man, we employ the talents and expertise of agronomists–AKA the lawn experts–to bring you the best, science-based lawn care. The term “agronomy” refers, in short, to the science of agriculture. When we’re looking specifically at the lawn care industry, an agronomist is an expert in the science of soil management and growing turfgrass, and it’s not easy! Agronomists have to consider a lot of factors when designing an ideal lawn care program. Geography, climate, weather conditions, and soil type all play a role in the growth of a healthy lawn, as well as the growth of different varieties of weeds, infestations of different varieties of lawn pests, and the spread of different varieties of lawn diseases. Our agronomic experts are able to weigh all of these factors and make smart choices on your behalf, using the right products, according to the right methods, applied at the right time of year, and our skilled and licensed technicians are thoroughly trained in local agronomics and the proper lawn maintenance procedures for your area. The result? Smart, customized care for your lush, healthy lawn. Let us put our expertise to work for you. Find a Weed Man near you and get a free quote today!