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Summer Conditions

Lawn Looking Brown? Here's Why!

Have you been finding brown patches on your lawn in recent weeks? Are you struggling to find the culprit? Worry not! Weed Man is here to help. 

Drought first shows symptoms as a dark silvery tinge to the grass blades. At this point, your foot prints become clearly visible in the lawn. Following proper watering practices will help to prevent drought. 


Chinch Bug damage so closely resembles drought symptoms that many Weed Man customers mistakenly assume that the lawn needs only water to restore its lush green appearance. If you have a very dry lawn that water does not seem to be helping, you may be dealing with a chinch bug infestation.


Pets, especially female dogs, can cause considerable damage by urinating on a lawn. A margin of dark green, rapidly growing grass may surround a yellow patch of dying grass. This is called dog spot. 


Leaf Disease appears as small circles with yellow centres and dark borders on, and along, the leaf blade. The disease can be a problem when the weather is cool and moist.


Grubs can also severely damage the lawn if left untreated. If you are noticing your turf has damaged roots and rolls up like a carpet, you may be in need of grub control


Brown Patch Disease often appears as rough, circular patches about 1 - 5 feet in size. In the early morning dew, fine strands of grayish, cobwebby fungal growth may be evident. This quickly disappears as the dew dries. As the disease progresses, individual leaves on the turf can turn dark green then yellow as they wither and decay.


The (Other) Secret to a Nice Lawn

You're already a Weed Man customer. That's step one to achieving your lawn care goals!

But watering and mowing (properly) are critical to healthy, green grass. Learn more HERE.


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