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How to Tend to New Grass Seed for a Strong, Healthy Lawn
May 10, 2023
Seed Care 101: How to Tend to New Grass Seed for a Strong, Healthy Lawn
So, you want to grow some new grass? Whether you’re filling in bare patches, overseeding an existing lawn, or starting entirely from scratch, your new grass seed will require some special care and attention to grow strong and healthy. You’ll need to properly prepare the soil, choose the right grass seed for your climate, and follow consistent watering and mowing practices in the weeks that follow. Before you get started, we’re here to answer all your questions about taking care of new grass seed. It can be a little tricky to choose the right grass seed for your lawn. When considering varieties of seed, take the following factors into consideration: Your Climate: Certain grass types are more likely to thrive in certain geographic regions of North America. In Canada and the northern United States, cool-season grass varieties are suited to colder temperatures. In the southern United States, warm-season grass varieties are suited to dryer conditions. And in the area in between, called the transition zone, a mixture of cool- and warm-season grass types will help your lawn thrive all year round in varying conditions. (Want to learn more? Our National Technical Coordinator recently shared his expertise with Martha Stewart!) Soil Type: Not all soil is created equal! Soil can be naturally acidic or alkaline. It can also be sandy or full of clay. For the best results, you’ll want to use grass seed that is suited to work with the conditions of your soil. Existing Grass: If you’re filling in bare patches or overseeding an existing lawn, make sure the new grass will blend in appropriately with the existing grass. Otherwise, you could end up with an unsightly contrast of colors and textures. Sun (Or Lack Thereof): Consider whether areas of your lawn are in the shade or full sun, and use a grass seed that is designed to thrive with or without sun exposure. The amount of seed you need will depend on the size of the area you plan to seed. In general, you should apply 4 to 6 lbs of seed per 1,000 ft2. It’s important to properly prepare your soil to encourage seed germination. Rake the bare areas, apply fresh soil, and make sure the seed comes in contact with soil on all sides to achieve successful germination. For lawns that are already well established but have some thin areas, it is best to overseed in combination with mechanical core aeration. This will allow the seed to fall into the aeration holes, giving them a better chance of germinating. The best time to plant new grass seed is in the spring or fall when temperatures are cool, rainfall is more frequent, and the soil is moist. Soil temperatures must be above 55˚F in order for the seed to germinate. Proper fertilization with a slow-release fertilizer–like Weed Man’s premium, proprietary, slow-release granular fertilizer–is important to support seed growth and development. Fertilize when the new seed is planted, then continue with your regularly scheduled fertilization program. To ensure the new grass is successfully established, follow a strict watering schedule for 14 to 21 days after overseeding. Water daily–preferably in the morning–for 15 to 20 minutes in order to keep the seed moist, especially if there is no supplemental water from natural rainfall. While your new grass is germinating, it’s fragile and prone to damage. If you see weeds sprouting among your new grass, you can pull them out by hand. However, you should avoid using a chemical herbicide to treat weeds until after the new grass has had a chance to establish (after you’ve mowed a few times). When in doubt, check the labels of your herbicide product for proper use. Avoid foot traffic and mowing the new grass until it has reached a height of about 2 to 2½ inches. Once it has reached that height, you can begin mowing it on a regular basis. After you’ve mowed a few times, it will be strong enough for foot traffic, so you and your family can run, play, and freely enjoy the new lawn! Nurturing new grass is no small feat! Follow these tips to enjoy your lush, green lawn with strong roots and better resistance to weeds, disease, and pests–and then let us help you keep it that way! Find a Weed Man location near you, and get a free quote today!How Do I Choose the Right Grass Seed for My Lawn?
How Much Grass Seed Do I Need?
How Should I Prepare the Soil for the New Grass Seed?
When Is The Best Time of Year to Seed?
Does the New Seed Need Fertilizer?
How Often Should I Water the New Grass Seed?
When Should I Treat Weeds in the New Grass?
When Can I Mow the New Grass?