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Fall Lawn Care FAQs
Sep 19, 2022
Your Most Frequently Asked Questions, Answered!
We receive many of the same lawn care questions every year during the fall months. With over 50 years in the lawn care industry, we know exactly what your lawn needs. Weed Man is here to answer your most frequently asked questions regarding lawn maintenance this upcoming fall season!
Do I need to aerate my lawn?
Core aeration is an effective, budget-friendly way to revitalize your lawn. Weed Man recommends that homeowners aerate their lawn once every year. While the frequency with which you need to aerate can depend on a multitude of factors, such as your soil type, aeration is vital for a healthy lawn. If you'd like to learn more about aeration, check out our other blogs!
How do I know when to stop mowing my lawn?
The time of year that you should stop mowing your lawn will vary depending on your exact location. If you live where it gets quite cold, you should mow your lawn right up until the first frost. Alter your mowing height from the standard 2.5 inches to as low as the lawn mower will allow, as this will ensure grass blades remain strong and upright throughout the harsh winter months. This simple change can help reduce instances of snow damage and disease that are common on turf grasses. If you live where there is a warmer climate, you may need to mow all year round! Weed Man’s golden rule is: if it’s still growing, keep on mowing!
Should I rake the leaves on my lawn?
Colorful leaves sure are beautiful, but they can quickly cause more trouble than they’re worth. Leaf coverage restricts the amount of oxygen and sunlight that reach your lawn’s surface. It can also lead to overly wet conditions that invite fungal diseases to take flight. Removing fallen leaves from your lawn is important whether you choose to rake or mulch them. Letting leaves sit over the winter months can end up suffocating your turf and contribute to the growth of fungal lawn disease. Make it a family project to head outside and rake the yard one last time before winter hits.
You can also use a mulching mower (or purchase a mulching blade kit from your local home improvement store) to shred unwanted leaves into tiny, organically rich particles that will eventually decompose on your lawn. These leaf particles add valuable nutrients right back into the soil, resulting in a stronger, healthier lawn.
When is the most important time to fertilize my lawn?
Fall is one of the most important times of the year to fertilize! A common misconception amongst many homeowners is that fall feeding isn’t necessary, especially for lawns that receive fertilizer in the spring and summer months. In truth, the last application of fertilizer in the fall is the most important and most effective of the year. After a hot summer, your lawn needs help recovering. Fall fertilizing also helps your lawn build up stamina before heading into the winter, helping your lawn come back healthier and stronger next spring. They feature a high concentration of potassium, aiding in the cold hardiness of your turf. It is best to apply fall fertilizer just before grass stops growing – usually between mid to late November.
A little extra attention this fall can go a long way. Weed Man can help create a fall lawn care plan that is right for your turf, allowing you to reap the post-winter benefits and enjoy healthier, greener grass when it really counts.
What should I do about my irrigation system?
Don’t forget to turn off the outdoor water supply. Winter conditions can freeze the water inside of faucets and pipes, leading to bursting pipes and flooding inside of the home. If you have an irrigation system installed, an annual “blow out” is recommended to prevent bursting and cracking pipes. This involves the use of compressed air to remove all remaining water in the system.
Brought to you by Weed Man: We Care for Your lawn.