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Making the Most of Your Lawn Care Program
Jul 24, 2023
What Are Beneficial Cultural Practices?
In the lawn care world, you may hear the term “cultural practice” when we’re making recommendations for your lawn maintenance routine. In this case, the culture we’re talking about is agriculture, with the Latin root word “cult” meaning “grow.” Beneficial cultural practices are the good lawn care habits you can build to help your lawn grow lush and healthy, making the most of your professional lawn care program. Here are the basics of 4 beneficial cultural practices. Under normal circumstances, you should be watering each area of your lawn for 30-45 minutes, twice per week, in the early morning so the turf is dry by nightfall, but your lawn’s specific watering needs will depend on your region and weather conditions. Read our Ultimate Guide to Watering Your Lawn to learn more, including how to tell if your lawn is getting enough water. Maintain a regular mowing schedule throughout the growing season. The best height for your lawn will depend on the type of grass (read our Best Mowing Practices Guide for specific recommendations for different varieties of cool- and warm-season grasses). Never remove more than ⅓ of the grass blade at each mowing, and keep your mower blades sharp to make a clean, crisp cut that will heal quickly. Fertilization is an essential part of any comprehensive lawn care plan. To put it simply, fertilizer feeds your lawn the nutrients it needs in order to produce strong roots and leaves. Regular applications of Weed Man’s specially formulated, slow-release granular fertilizer will help provide your lawn with adequate nutrients. These applications are timed specifically to avoid over fertilizing the lawn. Read more about Weed Man’s Premium Proprietary Fertilizer, expertly applied by trained professionals. Core aeration is the process of removing small cores of soil and thatch (the thin layer of organic debris below the grass roots) from your lawn, alleviating soil compaction and allowing water and nutrients to penetrate deeper into the soil. In general, it is recommended that you aerate your lawn at least once per year. However, certain lawn conditions, like thick layers of thatch or heavily compacted soil, such as clay, may require you to aerate your lawn twice per year, once in the spring and once in the fall. Lawns with areas affected by drought, disease, or insect damage would also benefit greatly from core aeration. Even if you have a newer lawn that is already in good condition, annual aeration is important to maintain the long-term health of the turf. Read more about Weed Man’s Mechanical Core Aeration service. At Weed Man, we work with you to achieve the results you want: a thick, well-maintained lawn that stands up to lawn disease and lawn pests. Find a Weed Man near you, and request a free quote today!Watering
Mechanical Core Aeration