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Learn Your Lawn: Liming
What Is Liming?
When your lawn becomes too acidic over time, due to factors like rainfall, lime can be applied to balance the soil’s pH. Lawn conditions can also be aggravated by the acidic needles from conifer trees dropping on the turf (this is why it is almost impossible to get turf to grow directly under a conifer). When soil is too acidic, grass may become stunted or yellow in color, and some species may struggle to survive. Lime raises the pH level of the soil, making it less acidic and creating an environment that is more favorable for grass growth.
In acidic soil, the basic soil elements such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium are leached from the soil and replaced with hydrogen ions. Your soil’s pH is a measurement of these ions. A pH of 7 is considered neutral and is the ideal measurement. Any measurement below 7 is acidic and any measurement above 7 is alkaline. By applying lime, you can correct your lawn’s pH back toward neutral and help ensure the health and vitality of your lawn.
What Can I Do About Acidic Soil In My Lawn?
Acidic soil can be readily corrected by regular applications of lime, which will increase the availability of certain nutrients such as iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Iron is an important component of photosynthesis, while calcium and magnesium are elements essential for plant growth. Even if your soil is not acidic, liming provides many additional benefits, and any lawn would gain valuable nutrients from an application.
Liming improves the population of microorganisms in the soil and provides valuable nutrients to create improved soil conditions.
Your local Weed Man professional may be able to offer other solutions and recommend the best form of treatment that is available to improve the conditions of your lawn.