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Welcome, Fall!
Preparing your yard for the fall season
Summer is flying by, which means fall is right around the corner. Soon, we will be inundated with pumpkins, spiced drinks, Halloween décor, and of course, fall foliage. To welcome the new season, our team here at Weed Man has compiled a list of fall flowers you may want to add to your yard this season. Take a look below! If you like petunias in the summer… …you may want to try sweet alyssum for the fall! This is a species of low-growing, flowering plant, which is also commonly referred to as alyssum. These annual plants have a high tolerance for cool weather, allowing them to bloom in the fall and winter months in milder climates. Best of all, they are very sweet smelling – their aroma has been compared to honey! If you like geraniums in the summer… …you may want to try chrysanthemum in the fall! Chrysanthemums, also called mumingtons or chrysanths, are herbaceous perennial plants. Perfect for fall, chrysanthemums bloom in festive shades of red, orange, peach, and yellow. In some cases, the flowers can also be boiled to make tea! If you like calibrachoas in the summer… …you may want to try black-eyed Susan in the fall! Often confused for sunflowers or daisies, black-eyed Susans – also called brown betty, golden Jerusalem, English bull’s eye, yellow ox-eye daisy, and many other names – are known for their bold yellow and black contrasting colors. They are native to Eastern and Central North America, and known to attract butterflies! And if you’re not good at keeping plants alive in general… …you may want to try crotons! A croton – also known as a rushfoil – is a houseplant that is known to thrive in cold-weather regions. These plants grow in your typical fall colors of red, yellow, and orange, and are generally considered easy to care for. A word of caution, however: all parts of the croton plant are poisonous, so they are not recommended for homes with young children or pets. And there you have it – a few suggestions for new fall foliage from your friends at Weed Man Lawn Care. Happy gardening!