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Summer Watering and Mowing Tips
Best Practices for Summer Lawn Maintenance
As we make our way into the warmer months of the summer, you may notice that your lawn periodically suffers from extreme heat and drought conditions. While weather elements are out of our control, it is possible to help remedy the situation through proper watering and mowing practices. If you are struggling to keep your lawn looking healthy and hydrated this summer, you may need to adjust your watering practices. We’ve got you covered with our top 3 tips below: 1. Water your lawn at the right time of day The best time of day to water your lawn is early in the morning (especially in the summer!). This will give the water ample opportunity to soak into the soil before it has the chance to evaporate. If you are unable to water in the morning, the evening will do – just avoid the middle of the day when temperatures are at their hottest! 2. Give your lawn the right amount of water Generally, most lawns require 1-1.5 inches of water per week to thrive. While this is easier to achieve during the spring and fall due to a higher frequency of rainfall, extra work may be required in the summer to reach this goal. Keep in mind that deep watering is best to ensure moisture reaches the lawn’s root zone. 3. Water your lawn at the appropriate frequency While you may be tempted to water your lawn each day during the warm summer months, it is actually better to water deeply and infrequently. Weed Man recommends that homeowners water their lawn every 3-4 days (weather dependent) for a minimum of one hour, rather than every 1-2 days for a shorter amount of time. This will allow the water to sink deep into the roots and will help you to avoid water logging your lawn. If you are properly watering your lawn but find that it is still not looking its best, it may be time to adjust your mowing habits. Weed Man recommends the following tips: 1. Mow your lawn at the appropriate frequency While you may have been frequently mowing your lawn in the springtime as rainfall was higher and drought was less prevalent, you will want to slow down your mowing frequency in the summer months. While summer mowing frequency can vary depending on a variety of factors – such as type of grass, amount of natural rainfall, periods of drought, and so on – a general rule is to mow the lawn when the grass reaches about one third higher than the recommended mowing height. 2. Mow your lawn at the right height So, what is the right height for your lawn in the summer? For most grasses, 3.5 or 4 inches is a good height for your lawn. However, warm-climate grasses (such as zoysiagrass and Bermudagrass) can be cut shorter. If you haven’t already, you will want to identify what type of grass you have before mowing to ensure you keep your lawn at the right height. 3. Keep your tools pristine One element of mowing that is often overlooked is the state of the lawn mower itself. It is essential that the blades on your lawn mower are regularly sharpened, so as not to damage the roots of the grass and allow it to grow properly. While the appropriate frequency to sharpen mower blades varies based on the size of the lawn and frequency of mowing, Weed Man recommends sharpening your mower blades after every 25 hours of run time. If you follow our top summer lawn watering and mowing tips, you will be on your way to a healthy and hydrated lawn. However, if your lawn is still in need of a little extra help, Weed Man is here for you. Request a free quote today!Summer Lawn Watering Tips
Summer Lawn Mowing Tips