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Is Your Lawn Going Bald?
Sep 24, 2019
It May Be Time to Overseed

Whether sparsely growing or entirely bald, bare spots are an eyesore that many homeowners want to repair as quickly as possible – and with good reason! If left to their own devices, these thinned out patches will often increase in size. Additionally, with limited healthy grass to crowd out weeds, bare spots may also act as a breeding ground for unwanted growth. Prepare the area that is being overseeded by raking the soil and removing dead grass. Apply the seed evenly and be sure to mix it well with the soil. Add new soil if the area’s existing soil is thin. Consistently water the new seed to help it establish and grow. If the seed dries out any time after it has become moist, it will die. Do not be discouraged by the lack of initial results. Overseeded areas take approximately one month to re-grow and fully respond to treatment. Depending on the climate in your area, you may not see full results until next spring. Brought to you by Weed Man Lawn Care.
Not to worry, fall is the perfect time to enhance your lawn with overseeding. Overseeding is the process of sowing additional seed and fresh soil over existing grass to bolster and restore your lawn. When performed properly, overseeding can help introduce improved cultivars into your lawn, strengthening thin or weakened areas. Seed will also help fill in bare spots and make your lawn look fuller and more vibrant. Best results are achieved following a fall aeration service.
Bare spots aren’t the only reason to overseed. If your lawn isn’t as thick or healthy as it could be, it is likely that the individual grass blades on your lawn have weakened and perished with age, making it more vulnerable to disease, insects, and weed pressure. The process of overseeding can help re-establish a lawn’s strong foundation and progressively improve the overall health and appearance of your turf.
Overseeding Tips:
In the meantime, hold off on mowing any overseeded areas until the grass is established and reaches a height of 3-3.5 inches. Never mow more than 1/3 of the grass blade during a single cutting session. It is also important to keep your lawn properly fed to aid in the development of a deep root system.
The strategy for fixing bare patches depends on the grass type present on your lawn. Remember: it is best to speak to your local Weed Man regarding specific techniques for your turf.