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Getting Rid of Armyworms
Tips from Weed Man Lawn Care
Fall armyworms can cause significant, costly damage to local lawns. In fact, these pests can completely destroy a lawn in a matter of 24 hours if not treated upon discovery. These destructive lawn invaders are found in large numbers (up to millions in a single colony) “marching” across the turf and eating grass blades as they go. A moth can fly onto your property and lay thousands of eggs, which will hatch and grow into a 1 to 1 1/2 inch worms – gray, green, or brown in color. While armyworms seem to love fescue turf, we have also seen them in Bermuda turf. Read on below for information regarding the armyworm’s life cycle, eating habits, and tips for spotting a potential armyworm infestation. Armyworm larvae devour turf for 14-28 days. They mutate into pupae for 7-14 days, and their cocoon-like structure gives them wings for flight. They turn into moths for 11-14 days, laying thousands more eggs. The eggs hatch in 3-5 days to create another armyworm generation for another 14-28 days that will cause more turf damage. Armyworms feed on the grass any time during the day and are known for their voracious eating habits. An increase in the number of birds in a yard, such as Starlings, can be a potential sign of an armyworm infestation. While birds eat the caterpillars, they cannot usually eat enough to keep the infestation to a minimum. Normally armyworm damage appears similar to drought damage where the grass becomes wilted or yellowy in appearance. The lawn may begin to “move” as armyworms travel in large groups from one area to another. Please contact your local Weed Man professional if you detect armyworms on your property. We will treat your lawn with an insecticide to eliminate the potential for damage. Brought to you by Weed Man Lawn Care: we care for your lawn. Life Cycle:
Eating Habits:
Potential Signs of an Armyworm Infestation: