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Controlling Nutsedge in Your Lawn
Jul 28, 2019
A Light Green Grassy Looking Weed

Nutsedge is a warm-season, perennial grassy weed found on many home lawns across the U.S. Its three-leaf structure, light green color, and rapid growth rate create a non-uniform lawn, making it distinguishable from desirable grasses. Nutsedge will spread rapidly in your lawn if there is no competition from healthy turf to crowd it out. Although there are many different types of Nutsedges, yellow and purple are the most common varieties of these turf pests. Nutsedge leaves are thicker and stiffer than most grasses and are arranged in sets of three at the base. Yellow Nutsedge has light brown flowers and seeds, while purple Nutsedge flowers feature a reddish tinge with dark brown or black seeds. The best way for homeowners to keep Nutsedge from becoming a problem in their lawn is prevention. Since Nutsedge is difficult to control once it becomes established, maintaining healthy turf is the key to Nutsedge (and other invasive weed species) control. Remove small plants by hand every 2-3 weeks during the summer, as this will weaken the plant by depleting its energy reserves. Do not overwater. Excess moisture will cause Nutsedge to thrive in your yard. Prune shrubbery and surrounding trees to provide your lawn with optimal sunlight. Fertilize regularly to encourage healthy turf. Avoid excessive moisture build up in your lawn; do not overwater and make sure low-lying areas of your yard have proper drainage installed. Trim excessive tree limbs and overgrown shrubs to allow sunlight. Use fabric mulches in your landscape beds. Remove small plants by hand to before they develop and have a chance to spread. Because Nutsedge becomes more difficult to control once it is present on established turf, preventative measures play a critical role in management. Maintaining a thick, healthy lawn is the best defense for keeping out unwanted weeds. In cases where large infestations are present, an application of a control product may be necessary. Your Weed Man professional can help you find the best solution for keeping your lawn healthy, dense, and weed-free for years to come. Brought to you by Weed Man Lawn Care: we care for your lawn.Nutsedge Control Tips